Thursday, May 17, 2012

After more than a decade, Mazda decides it will spend a few more years in its partnership with SCRAMP

The partnership between Mazda and the Sports Car Racing Association of the Monterey Peninsula (SCRAMP) that started in 2001 will officially continue into 2016.


“We first fell in love with this track and the Monterey peninsula as fans in the 1970s and ‘80s when Mazda was new to the U.S. and we were establishing our name with the American public and race fans,” Jay Amestoy, vice president, public affairs and motorsports for Mazda, said.

Since officially taking the track over, Mazda has supported the facility by contributing financial support. It also uses the track as a testing facility for its new models, something Amestoy said has been integral to new model development for the company.

World renowned as one of the most significant tracks in motorsports, especially for its corkscrew turn, Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca has been a proving ground for both motorcycle and car racing for more than 50 years.

“I can’t begin to say enough about our partnership with Mazda. Through the support of Mazda North American Operations, and its dedicated management who share our passion for motor racing, Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca is able to attract world-class racing to California’s Central Coast. It is one of the primary economic engines for the Monterey Peninsula,” said Gill Campbell, CEO and general manager of Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca. “A dozen years of working together has raced by, and we are looking forward to what will hopefully be another dozen.”



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